These bookends are a more modern take on the forest woodland theme and are great for gender neutral spaces or for a child to grow up with. The options are endless I have shown deer and bear cutouts in 2 different sizes and tree cutouts too. This pricing is for two animals and one tree on one side and one animal and 2 trees on the other.You can customize it anyway you like . Add these bookends to your cart and in the message to the seller let me know how you would like them customized for you
These bookends are on a wooden base the base is 71/2″ x 6 1/2″ x 3 1/2″
Wooden bookends are a great way to continue the theme, they work well in a bookshelf but they are not heavy enough to hold up a lot of books on their own.
I have included pictures of other items I have painted to go with this theme but this listing is for one pair of bookends only. If you would like to add any other items to your order, please contact me.I can do these wooden creatures on photo frames. tissue boxes, letters and much more. I can also do canvas paintings for your walls
I can make changes to the colors and the theme.I love painting and can paint to match any bedding, colors or designs so please contact me with your design needs.
Please allow 3-6 weeks from payment to shipping, if you are needing your order by a specific date, please let me know , thank you.
Thank you for visiting my shop, please stop by as I add more items.
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