Contemporary landscape Series, Mid Century Modern art
Lake Series 21.
Acrylic/collage on paper, 10″x12″.
The Lake Series for me a departure from drawing and finding form which is traditionally how I have worked. I try to focus on relationships and shapes while at the same time letting the process show through the work. There is a general idea of how the piece should begin but it will often change as it moves through different stages.
Initially I paint an underlayer or put down direct color but make modifications as the piece develops. I often switch to collage to fill in parts or pieces, especially to change paint texture or tonal relationships.
After completing each idea I store it away and try not use it as a reference for the next piece. Occasionally I will post finished pieces in the studio to see how a thread of ideas develops but I find it interesting to work on each piece individually and let it develop on it’s own. After a week or two I will take the work out and look at them and then it becomes apparent what ideas were percolating.
The Lake series are a collage representation of my impressions of time spent in and around the the coastal United States (including the Great Lakes).